Our community servers provides a good and friendly way to group up with random people and friends to play games, build up clans and E-sport teams and to help your community grow on Twitch.

This is our Teamspeak community server here you can meet up with your friends or join other player groups.

If you have any questions or issues you can contact our admins on this Teamspeak server. If there is no admin online you need to have some patience. Furthermore we ask you to be friendly to each other and treat others with respect.

If you play on this server we ask you to follow this rules:

  • Be friendly to one another and treat others with respect.
  • No Hacks/Cheats
  • Don't spam mic/chat
  • Don't RDM
  • Don't ghost
  • Don't kill AFK's (Unless you're a Traitor or it's overtime)
  • Don't prop block (it must be possible to reach you)

If you play on this server we ask you to be a rust amount of friendly to one another and don't use Hacks or Cheats.

This Server Wipes mothly (including blueprints) and has 50% Upkeep.

  • Bruchstolz

  • Julianus123

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